My week:

This week started with me getting sick. I had a terrible head cold which made my nose annoyingly stuffy and my entire body was plagued with fatigue. I was scheduled to start my internship at Good Karma Café on Monday but couldn’t sleep the night before, and called out sick the following morning. I spent the rest of the day sleeping and attempting to make myself useful but of course that didn’t happen! The next day was similar only I was finally updated about my avn. Turns out my condition is too advanced for the stem cell procedure. So Michael scheduled an appointment for me on Friday morning with a doctor who specializes in microvascular surgery. Unfortunately on Friday when we went to consult with the doctor, he didn’t have any good news and barely recommended I even consider his surgery. He said that I needed to take care of my condition immediately, that I should be on crutches and seeking doctors who specialize in hip replacements. Oh yeah, I ended up calling the owner of Good Karma on Thursday to let her know I had an medical emergency and wouldn’t be able to do my internship at this time. Fortunately she was understanding and said I could come in whenever I was ready. But I don’t even know if I’ll get a diploma because my school has deadlines. But that’s not even a big deal to me right now, my hips are. I’m twenty years old and my left femoral head has collapsed and the right side is on the verge of collapsing. What does that mean? I need a bilateral hip replacement. Needless to say this week has been emotionally overwhelming, upsetting and scary. On the bright side the support and comfort around me is unbeatable; this may be scary but I still manage feel happy and truly blessed with my life. I’m seeing a doctor on Thursday to see when I can schedule my surgery and am praying that everything works out for the best. But that’s all I got to say, I will continue to write more about what’s going on, once I know what’s going on!


2 thoughts on “My week:

  1. When did you find out you had avascular necrosis? I have it in my femurs. I write a blog about it and I follow another woman who has ulcerative colitis and AVN. Do you know if you got it because of steroid use? If you want to vent or ask questions or meet other people with AVN feel free to write on my blog. Good luck and stay positive!

    • Hey! Thank you for stopping by. I was diagnosed with AVN in February 2011 but I began experiencing pains in early December. My GI doctor told me that the amount of steroids I was using wasn’t enough to cause AVN, but I am also very small framed and my family has a history of bone disease. I never blame her because she saved me from a very horrid flare up and my UC has been in remission since. I actually just got a bilateral hip replacement on Monday and am experiencing no AVN pains but instead the pains of swelling. It was an extreme decision but my last resort since my necrosis had gone untreated for so long. I will definitely take your offer to meet other people on your blog! Thank you so much 🙂

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